have been here since July 14, 2000
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Last Updated: 08-11-03
Hey look, at long last an update? Not exactly. I've been super busy and I'm soon going to become OOber busy, making this poor site pretty low on my priority list, BUT come September, I'll have nearly a month off from school, so even if nothing else gets done, I do promise to get the LONG over-due awards and adoptions out, so go ahead and keep sending them in.
Hello, I'm sorta back, My computer's alive and running better than ever, but I've lost ALOT of my old files including the passwords to a bunch of sectors and alot of the stuff that I'd been working on for violeTThunder. So things are really slowing down on the site, I've no intention of shuting down all together, but I've got alot of other projects on & off line going on so I've lost alot of the interest that I used to heve in this site. Never-the-less there are a few new anime galleries that I'd like to set up along with a couple other projects, also I've been really getting into kiss dolls lately and am slowly looking into making one of my own that if I ever so I'll probably post up here for downloading. Later.